For penis-owners wishing to last a little longer, there’s no shortage of numbing sprays, creams and wipes to choose from.

Stay is a new contender. A desensitising spray that aims to stand out from the crowd with its quality ingredients and up-market, modern branding.
Can Stay help men to overcome premature ejaculation and last longer in bed? Here’s my review.
US brand Maude specialises in classy intimacy products and sex toys. Modern, discerning, intellectual – this is the thinking man’s numbing spray.
Stay contains 10% lidocaine, a topical anaesthetic with a proven desensitising effect.
Two factors for a good, useable delay spray are:
- Absorption: does it take effect in time and only on your penis, not spreading its numbness to your partner’s genitals too?
- Undetectable: you know when your partner says “why can’t I feel my lips?”. That’s not sexy.
So does Stay pass the oral test, or does it need multiple washes off before you even go there?
Stay absorbs well
The instructions say to allow 5-15 minutes to dry before intercourse. That’s not bad. Some sprays take considerably longer, while you pace around the bathroom willing it to work its magic.
And a couple of my therapy clients tried Stay out. They didn’t apply too much, they allowed it to dry and yes – no washing off was required before intercourse.
They got suitably numbed and their partners didn’t. That’s a tick in the box.
Stay keeps a low profile
What about the all-important oral test, I hear you ask?
There’s no fragrance or flavour in Stay, but the guys took the precaution of wiping off any excess. That’s still better than having to wash it off before sex.
Some numbing products need soap or shower gel to remove the chemical taste, and then you have to wash the soap taste away and your penis starts to feel everything again. And sex hasn’t even started yet.
So drying and a quick wipe over should be all you need. A tick in the oral-friendly box too.
40 minutes of effect
The desensitising effect lasts for about 40 minutes. Which is enough, realistically.
Does this make for 40 minutes of sustained intercourse? Most probably not, but our volunteer guys were sufficiently satisfied with the numbing effect and their uplift in confidence.
In my therapy practice, I view delay sprays more as a helper product. They can help bridge the intensity gap between solo training and partnered sex.
A bit less sensitivity down there helps us bring our skills into the bedroom, and get more used to relaxing into intercourse.
More positives
You get plenty of desensitising solution in the bottle. 375 sprays according to Maude’s website, good for 100+ uses.
Stay costs $25 or £21 if you’re here in the UK. It ships from the States so there’ll be a shipping cost on top. This is comparable with other higher-end sprays.
Maude products are sold in Selfridges too, I noticed.
And I have to say this brown-tinted bottle is cool. It won’t look out of place next to your Dior Eau Sauvage Pour Homme.

Most importantly, Stay spray won’t eat through your condoms either. Just make sure it dries and your condom is latex or polyisoprene.
And it’s always good to see these kind of brands making sexual support products – especially remedies for premature ejaculation – actually cool and sexy.
Desensibilant genital pour homme indeed. Thanks to my volunteers for road testing!
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